New Listing

Hi there,

Added a new listing tonight. A simple, blue, elegant bookmark perfect for both men and women.

Since I've been sick I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight, so this post is a little short of interesting content. But I've decided to set a few goals for myself this month and hope to start on those as soon as this body will let me.

First goal: This blog and some interesting content...and some readers who want to read some interesting content....

Second goal: Expanding my skills...look for some posts about my exploits.

Third goal: a little organization...I'm taking on a new and rather involved activity and I really have to manage my time better. Also, look for some posts on that...YAY!! (That's sarcasm there, but honestly, anyone who knows me knows this is gonna be epic.)

Have a nice night and see ya in the a.m.



Aimée - Metamorph Designs February 1, 2010 at 9:55 PM  

I thought you were already organized and very well time managed? Oh no you must be talking about being super duper NEVA organized, eeek everyone RUN!!

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"Anyone who appreciates fine arts and crafts will enjoy this fine site! Great job! Best wishes!"

"I loved going through your site, you have a ton of information. That's why I am bookmarking you! :) I love handmade and the way you feature handmade artists if fantastic. The lastest post with the lady with the wild lovely hair is great, I hope someone gets it for you!"

"Elegant, simple, informative and useful. These are the words that come to mind to describe the art piece that is this blog. The Butterfly Maiden Fairy painting is surreal!"

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