Ahhh... Nature

Walking has always been my preferred method of exercise, even before I decided to participate in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. The folks who planned my neighborhood did an excellent job of making it walker, biker, and jogger friendly.

 There are trails,  bike paths, plenty of shaded walkways, and a nice open space preserve that is fantastic to meander through.

This time of year the little creatures are out in full force. Little brown field mice, jack rabbits, birds, snakes, lizards, etc... I couldn't get any pictures, those guys are fast. But through the dried grass you can see and hear movement.

So the reason for my choice of walking as exercise isn't because it's good for you physically, but because in my neighborhood, it's the best destresser imaginable.

I'm taking to this 3-day training rather well. While my previous walks lasted at most 3-miles, now I'm trekking 5-10+ miles and I'm enjoying finding new places to explore right in my own backyard. And I'm not only doing something good for my body and soul, I'm doing something good for other people. That, more than anything the good Lord provides for me to see, is the most therapeutic of all.


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