Monday, Monday

I love the weekend. Especially 3 day weekends. (Even if I'm sick as was the case last weekend) If I could 4 tens I would be so happy. But that's just not the case, so off to work I went Monday, all the time wanting to be home. Plus the house is a mess. Being sick put me behind.

Well, enough lamenting about Mondays.

I listed two new items tonight. My sister and I went to the gem faire this weekend and we got some cute glass beads that look like ice. I made wine charms from those. you can see those here:

I also bought some silver and made some cute charms out of those as well. Have a look here:

I had so much fun making those. I have to get cracken again tomorrow. I need more inventory for the store. I want to crack 30 items for sale by Friday. I'm at 26 and I have at least two more to list. So I'll need 2 more. Gotta get working.

Have a wonderful week folks!!


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"Anyone who appreciates fine arts and crafts will enjoy this fine site! Great job! Best wishes!"

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