Bad Day, Bad Plastic

My sister posted a pretty bookmark today, yay!! My day was not as good as hers, for the following reasons:

  • I got a bad batch of plastic, this happens sometimes, no wonder the lady gave me that pack for free, I thought she was being nice, I bought two... she gave me one never get anything for FREE, there is always a cost, and it was the kinda cost which screws everything up AND makes everything crooked.
  • Neo refuses to model for me, I have been getting photographs like this, I don't know what his problem is, maybe hes mad that I made him wear that pink cupcake ID tag for too long? Maybe that is what triggered it?
Anyways I am off to bed, after I finish doing what I am doing. This week is going to be a GREAT WEEK!!!! i hope!


Neva February 8, 2010 at 9:43 PM  

Such a bad puppy.

Aorry about the resin. I thought you'd like the post I sent you about the pitfalls of using resin.

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