6 monts later... and a new listing

A thought occured to me last night around 2 in the morning; being online is a 24 hour thing. I know I'm an idiot for that having just occured to me, but I have this nagging fear all the time, that once I get an idea for my shop, I have to run with it right away or I'm losing valuable time and customers. But at 2 in the morning...it'll just have to wait. I still have a day job.

So it's a time management thing now. This is kind of fun!

On that note: I just posted a new listing for my Sweet-tarts wine charms, or as we Sugar Sisters affectionately call them "Whose Booze" charms. The picture is posted below. And if you'd like to have a closer look: http://http//www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=39324075&ref=em


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"Anyone who appreciates fine arts and crafts will enjoy this fine site! Great job! Best wishes!"

"I loved going through your site, you have a ton of information. That's why I am bookmarking you! :) I love handmade and the way you feature handmade artists if fantastic. The lastest post with the lady with the wild lovely hair is great, I hope someone gets it for you!"

"Elegant, simple, informative and useful. These are the words that come to mind to describe the art piece that is this blog. The Butterfly Maiden Fairy painting is surreal!"

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