3-Day for a Cure

This year I decided to join my cousin in walking 60 miles to raise money for breast cancer research. 60 whole miles! I've been thinking of doing this for a few years now, but the mileage scared me off. But this year I put on my big girl drawers and signed up.

One of the things required of all participants is we have to raise at least $2300. I'm not very good about asking folks for money. But this time, I believe it's a good cause. If you can donate, even just a little, you would be helping fund research that could potentially save the lives of both men and women.

Cancer, any kind of cancer, is awful. I'm not a doctor and I'm not rich so there isn't much for me to do to fight it except this.

To donate please go to my personal page at:

I've also started a facebook fan page for those interested in my training progress:

Thanks so much ahead of time!



Aimée - Metamorph Designs March 25, 2010 at 1:25 PM  

Yay, I am so glad you are doing this, Chris and I are going to do it, just have to come up with the $95 registration fee YIKES!!!

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