New Listing and still can't shake this cold...urgg!!

I've been fighting some sort of bug for over a week now and it's starting to annoy me big time that I can't shake it. But that's why I've been a bit late in posting here and listing anything in my shop.

But last night I sat down and made several new things I'm pretty excited about. The first of which I listed today. I was getting good at the pictures, but I think being sick is affecting my picture abilites. So please excuse the shotty camerea work.

Fireflies bookmark, #1 in lampwork series.


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"Anyone who appreciates fine arts and crafts will enjoy this fine site! Great job! Best wishes!"

"I loved going through your site, you have a ton of information. That's why I am bookmarking you! :) I love handmade and the way you feature handmade artists if fantastic. The lastest post with the lady with the wild lovely hair is great, I hope someone gets it for you!"

"Elegant, simple, informative and useful. These are the words that come to mind to describe the art piece that is this blog. The Butterfly Maiden Fairy painting is surreal!"

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