Bob The Blue Octopus by Blossoms Cottage

I have a Sweet Treat for you!

Meet Bob The Blue Octopus
I am digging this listing, he is soo very cute!  It reminds me of when Chris and I were at Monterey Bay Aquarium last year, we got to see one of the most amazing things ever, an Octopus had laid eggs and they were all over the tank.  We then had a behind the scenes tour to learn more about the Aquarium and everyone was excited because that was the first time that had ever happened, they had told us that she would be put out to sea soon because if she was allowed to hatch the eggs that she would waste away and die.  It is part of their life cycle, they told us they live 3-5 years and at the end of the life cycle they lay eggs and then once the eggs hatch they die.  They are very smart creatures and one of them was known to hop from aquarium to aquarium and eat some of the  tide pool creatures, and return back to his tank at the end of the night, they couldn't figure out what was going on so they hired a security company to investigate they set up video cameras and caught him in the act.  They have also been known to play with toys in their tanks, unscrew jars, individually prefer certain types of food, and use tools to hide.

SO I guess you could say I am fascinated by them, and when I cam across this listing I thought it was the cutest thing in the world, I love it! 

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Have A Great Day Sweet Readers!


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